The final submission requires two steps for full papers as well as WIP extended abstracts.The submission is done through Easychair as before.
Full papers’ and WIP authors are to update their abstract before September 15th to make preparation of the Book of abstracts possible in due time. This is done by logging into Easychair, find your submission and “View” it. On the right top part of the screen, please go to “update information” and copy in your updated abstract and save. At the latest on September 14th authors of full papers are to update their paper by selecting “update file” and in addition add a short Response paper in .doc, .pdf or .xls format. WIP authors are to do similar and add their WIP extended abstract file by selecting “add file” and upload the file in a .pdf format.
In addition, presenters of full papers and WIP are to register as speakers by September 21nd. This registration will be used to prepare the presentation programme.
We encourage researchers and practitioners to submit works-in-progress (WIP) as it provides a unique opportunity for sharing valuable ideas,getting useful early-stage feedback on current work and preliminary results, and fostering discussions and collaborations among colleagues. All accepted WIP submissions will be presented at the conference and included in the Book of abctracts. WIPs are to be submitted as Extended abstracts with maximum 3000 word (not including Abstract). Similarly, authors are to update their abstract before September 15th to prepare for an updated Book of abstracts. The final full papers and WIP extended abstracts are, at the latest on September 15th, to be upload in a .pdf format. The template for the WIP is the same as for the full paper.
Template for final submission and WIP submission can be downloaded here: Download