2025 Annual NOFOMA Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark
The 37th NOFOMA annual conference with the theme:
“Guiding Transformational Change in Logistics and Supply Chain Management”
will be held in Copenhagen, Denmark on 10-12 June 2025 with NORDLOG and Educators Day on 10 June., hosted by Copenhagen Business School, CBS.
Important dates:
- 20 January 2025: Submission of abstracts
- 27 January 2025: Acceptance of abstracts
- 17 March 2025: Submission of full papers
- 21 April 2025: Reviewers’ comments out
- 12 May 2025: Submission of revised full & WIP papers
More information can be found here

2024 Annual NOFOMA Conference, Stockholm, Sweden
The 36th NOFOMA annual conference with the theme:
“Logistics and Supply Chain Management in a Risky and Uncertain World“
will be held in Stockholm, Sweden, 12-14 June 2024, hosted by the
Swedish Defence University (FHS) and the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH).
More information can be found here.

Welcome to the 36th NOFOMA conference by The Nordic Logistics Research Network
13–14 June and NORDLOG and Educators day on June 12, in Stockholm, Sweden
2023 Annual NOFOMA Conference, Helsinki – Espoo, Finland

The 35th NOFOMA annual conference was helt in Espoo in the outskirt of Helsinki, Finland, June 14 to 16, 2023.
A particular theme of the NOFOMA 2023 conference is “Logistics during global crises”.
The conference was jointly hosted by Aalto University School of Business & Hanken School of Economics.
The NOFOMA2023 homepage is found here.
Call for papers can be found here.
The best paper 2023:
“End-of-life Textile Collection System Exploring Design & Performance”, Iskra Dukovska-Popovska, Linea Kjellsdotter Ivert, Heidi Carin Dreyer, Hafdís Jónsdóttir and Riikka Kaipia.
The best doctral student paper 2023:
“The Implementation of Berth Allocation Policies that Align with IMO’s JIT strategy: Lessons from the Port of Gävle”, Abdalla Mubder.
The Grand Person award 2023:
For the first time, a Göran Person paper award was given in the memory of one of the NOFOMA pioneers in Supply Chain Management and initiator of the NOFOMA society.
The winners are:
“The impact of order fulfillment on consumer experience. Text mining consumer reviews and ratings from Amazon US”, Yulia Vakulenko, Diogo Figueirinhas, Daniel Hellström and Henrik Pålsson.
2022 Annual NOFOMA Conference
The 34th NOFOMA annual conference was held in Reykjavik, Iceland June 8 to 10, 2022 and this time as a traditional on-site conference. The conference is organized by University of Iceland, Faculty of Industrial Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Computer Science.
The best paper 2022:
“Wate Management and Reverse Logistics in the Humanitarian Context”, authors: Virva Tuomala, Anna Aminoff and Gyöngyi Kovács, Hanken School of Economics, Helsinki, Finland.
The best doctral student paper 2022:
“Sustainability in Last Mile Delivery Exploring the Cognitive Frames of Retailers and LSPs“, author: Helleke Heikkinen, Hanken School of Economics, Helsinki, Finland.
2021 Annual NOFOMA Conference
The 33rd NOFOMA annual conference that was planned to be held in Reykjavik, Iceland but went on-line 28 -30 September 2021.
The best paper 2021 is paper #45:
“Manual, automated or smart? Trends in Swedish Retail’s Warehousing“, authors: Joakim Kembro and Andreas Norrman, Lund University, Sweden.
The best doctral student paper 2021 is paper #16:
“How to not lose oneself: the case for relational identity in collaborative supply relationships“, authour: Oskari Rintala, University of Turku, Finland.
Book of Abstracts is found here.
More information are found on the Conference page here.
2020 Conference
NOFOMA 2020 Best papers announcement will be made on September 30 at 12:00 CET.
Best overall paper:
Bente Flygansvær, Asta Gjetø Samuelsen and Rebecka Våge Støyle, BI Norwegian Business School, Oslo, Norway
Best doctoral student paper:
Linnea Haag, Linköping University, Sweden
NOFOMA 2020 was hosted virtual on 17 and 18 September
The 32nd annual NOFOMA conference was planned to be held in Reykjavik, Iceland, June 10 to 12, 2020 but has been, due to the unfortunate circumstances surrounding the Covid-19-virus outbreak, made into a virtual one that took place 17 and 18 September.
The conference was originally planned to organized by University of Iceland, Faculty of Industrial Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Computer Science but has been taken over by the NOFOMA Board as the 2021 conference is now planned for Iceland. The review process is still carried out by University of Iceland.
Previous conference
The 31st annual NOFOMA conference took place in Oslo, Norway, June 13 to 14, 2019. Prior to that, June 12, the Nordlog doctoral day was held. The Educator Day was also on June 12 in paralell with the Doctoral day.
The conference and the Nordlog day was organized by BI – Norwegian Business School and Norwegian Defence University College (NODUC) together at the BI campus in Nydalen, whereas the Nordlog doctorial symposium will be at Akershus Fortress, centrally located in Oslo.
The Schenker best paper award was granted for the paper “Assessing the gaps between shippers and logistics service providers on green logistics practices along the logistics purchasing process”, co-authored by Amer Jazairy and Robin von Haartman from University of Gavle. The best Ph.D. student paper award was granted to the paper “Proactive recovery actions in real-time transport chain disruption management, a logistics service provider perspective” written by Per Wide from Chalmers University of Technology.
The NOFOMA network
NOFOMA is a society of Nordic researchers and colleagues within the logistics field. Beside being a contact network of logistics scientists sharing similar interests, the main activity of the network is to carry out an annual conference where researchers from the Nordic countries, including Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden meet as well as other colleagues from different countries around the world, particularly from USA and Central Europe. In association with the NOFOMA annual conference, the NORDLOG doctoral workshop takes place where Ph.D. Candidates from the Nordic countries get together and discuss their issues as well as to conduct some workshop activities within the field of logistics.
Want to be a member?
The NOFOMA member register contains close to 500 individuals, mainly researchers and Ph.D. candidates from the Nordic countries, as well as from other countries. These members receive some news and announcements through E-mail, particularly in association with the annual conference and workshop on top of some Ph.D. educational activities that are carried out within the framework of NOFOMA. Please feel free to register.