“Operational excellence through logistics resilience”
The NOFOMA conference has been carried out annually since 1988 and is a tradition and the major event among logistics researchers in the Nordic counties and guests from other countries.
The 32nd annual NOFOMA conference was planned to be held in Reykjavik, Iceland, June 10 to 12, 2020 but has been, due to the unfortunate circumstances surrounding the Covid-19-virus outbreak, made into a virtual one that takes place 17 and 18 September, 2020.
Programme is available here.
Conference Fee
No Fee will be charged for NOFOMA this year – but a registration is needed
Scientific and organizational committee
• Gunnar Stefánsson (Chair and contact person), University of Iceland, Iceland
• Gyöngyi Kovács, Hanken, Finland
• Heidi Dreyer, NTNU, Norway
• Henrik Pålsson, Lund University, Sweden
• Jan Stentoft, University of Southern Denmark, Denmark
• Gunnar Stefánsson, University of Iceland, gunste@hi.is